First Australian method fattening site to be launched this year in Turkestan region

During his working trip to Turkestan region, Deputy Prime Minister Serik Zhumangarin visited the construction site of Kazakhstan's largest fattening site for 50,000 cattle.
The project is implemented in Arys by Turkestan At the first stage already this year will be purchased 15 thousand heads, in 2025-2026 will be purchased another 10 thousand heads, in 2026-2027 25 thousand heads. The whole scheme of construction, fattening and grazing of cattle will be created according to the Australian "cage" method of cattle breeding.
Here, in Arysi, Turkestan plans to grow fodder crops for cattle on an area of 4,710 hectares using sprinkler irrigation technologies. This will provide the fattening site animals with the necessary volume of fodder.
The head of the company Syrym Ertaev said that currently the implementation of the construction project has slowed down due to the lack of preferential financing allocated for investment projects in the agro-industrial complex by financial institutions of agriculture. There are also problems with obtaining permission to use water for irrigation of lands from the supply canal "Koksaray".
Serik Zhumangarin instructed the Ministry of Agriculture to hold a meeting on investment projects and solve the issue of financing as soon as possible. He also instructed to work with the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation on the use of irrigation water.
Source: Official Information Source of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan